Blending Wines – Episode 7

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Gerakan #dirumahajabelajarwine bersama Hatten Education Center –
Episode (7) ini kita akan belajar mengenai Blending Wine, mengapa wine perlu di blending, apakah ada aturan yang mengikat dan
pada tahap apakah wine di blending.

Produced by :
Hatten Bali, Hatten Winery,
Ni Nyoman Kertawidyawati, Gede Sugiantara,
Hary Anggara, Gitayogi Irhandi.
Sumber: Google search, WSET Global

Tentang the creator
Kertawidyawati, Head of Hatten Education Center, The first WSET Educator in Indonesia,
Certified Hospitality Trainer & Educator from AHLEI – America

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