Amateurs Taste The Difference Between $4 and $112 Wines // Cheap VS Expensive Blind Taste Test

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Tasting Red Wines from $4 to $100+ to see if we can tell a difference between cheap vs expensive wines.

Hi Everyone!

I’ve been thinking of doing this video for so long as a fun little experiment since I love red wines. In this video, I bought red wines in different price ranges from $4 all the way up to $112 to see if there was a noticeable difference between bottom shelf wines and top shelf wines and whether or not the splurge is worth it.

The wines we are tasting:
• Tanglewood Cabernet Sauvignon
// Fort Stockton // Price: $3.99
• Thunevin-Calvet Cuvee Constance Red Blend // Cotes du Roussillon Villages // Price $14.99
• Gonnet-Gilson Le Philosophe Red Blend // Chateauneuf Du Pape // Price: $39.99
• Joseph Phelps Cabernet Sauvignon // Napa Valley // Price: $75.99
• GKG Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon // Napa Valley // Price: $111.99

I hope you enjoy this light-hearted blind wine tasting video! I would love to know what your favorite wine is!

Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions in the ✍???? C O M M E N T ✍???? section below.

It would mean the world to me if you could hit that ???????? L I K E ???????? button if you enjoyed this video.

Also, please ???????? S U B S C R I B E ???????? to my channel so you don’t miss out on future videos!

Thanks so much for watching! I hope to see you in my next video! ❤️

Quynh Pham

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#cheapvsexpensive #winetasting #blindtastetest

FTC: This video is not sponsored but I bought all of the wines with my own money and thus will be sober the rest of the month because I went through my wine budget for this video ????

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