What food pairs well with Moscato d’Asti?


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What sort of cheese pairs well with Moscato d’Asti? Traditionally this Piedmontese wine is paired with fruit cakes and desserts in Italy, though Alessandra Bera says that some which are more complex can pair with Foie Gras and strong cheeses. Organic producer Alessandra Bera and her family live in Piedmont and make wine at Vittorio Bera & Figli. Alessandra sat with Ask a Winemaker at Red and White in Chicago in 2013.

See all of our videos with Alessandra Bera: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLddUmDhg4G_KqbeBcQUtL-l30llWUvh5G

See all of our videos with Italian Winemakers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMaZbwrU1ms&list=PLddUmDhg4G_KY_eWOUI7iOLl4XuE4W0cx&index=2

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