Dana Grande reveals a few tips she’s learned while developing the composting program at Jordan. View our complete blog post at http://blog.jordanwinery.com/2010/07/composting-at-our-vineyard-diy-tips/.
White wine grapes Grenache Blanc and Grenache Gris are compared by Jon Bowen of Domaine Sainte Croix who makes them in Languedoc, France. Jon sat with Ask a Winemaker in Chicago at Red and White Wines in the spring of 2014. See all of our videos with Jon Bowen from Domaine Sainte Croix in Corbieres:
Small wineries have appeared in Ukraine in recent years. Delicious wines from local grape varieties. Wine tourism is developing. www.kurin.com.ua #українськомувинубути #wine #sommelier #винныйблог #винодельня #крафтовое #ресторанныйбизнес #ресторатор #сомелье #ukraine #château #craft #Kurin #chateauKurin #Kurinwinery #дорогивина #дорогивинатасмаку #winesukraine #wineukraina #wineKherson #дегустациявина #DenysKhalupenko #виноробня Курінь #виноробня #винодельняКуринь #винаукраины #виноукраины #производствовина #производствоигристых
Support me on my new PATREON: https://patreon.com/konstantinbaum Follow me on …: https://www.instagram.com/konstantinbaum_mw/ Check out my website: https://meinelese.de I have tasted the following wine in this Video: Maillart Brut Platine Champagne Karl Schaefer Pinot Blanc Sekt Pfalz 2018 Clemens Busch Marienburg GG Mosel 2018 Claude Riffault Les Boucauds Sancerre 2018 Guiberteau Saumur 2015 Zind Humbrecht Clos
Every Sunday Tom Cannavan of wine-pages.com chooses a new wine of the week. For 19th October 2014 the Ca’Rossa, Barbera d’Alba 2013 from Piedmonte in Italy is his Wine of the Week.
Table Grape Wine Recipe. We used 21 pounds of table grapes from Costco to make wine. No added sugar, no honey, nothing. Just grapes! So, how did it go? There are those who would say you cannot make wine from table grapes. To them I say…. those who say a thing cannot be done need
Giuseppe Mazzocolin of Felsina runs the family estate in Chianti Classico — and he produces some of the region’s top wines. Surrounded by the Sangiovese harvest, Giuseppe shares the rich heritage of Felsina, its vineyards and its people.
Great Pinot Gris from a winery that has stepped up their game…
Though this vintage showed well immediately upon its release in 2009, the 2005 Jordan Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon has blossomed in the cellar. Watch what John and Maggie have to say with their latest 2005 wine tasting notes in this Jordan Uncorked Update. Comment below with your pick for which wine these winemakers should open
Pinot Noir producers and drinkers often talk about which clone of Pinot Noir was used to make a wine, but what exaclty is a clone? Winemaker Erica Stancliff at Trombetta Family Wines in the Russian River Valley explains that clones are like breeds of dogs with different personalities. Ask a Winemaker filmed Erica at Pinot
A simple How To video about Wine Tasting and Wine Pairing for famous Italian wines and dishes
Tom Cannavan broadcasts on STV’s popular magazine show, The Hour, every Friday evening.
Learn how to make Coq Au Vin! Go to http://foodwishes.blogspot.com/2014/08/coq-au-vin-rock-out-with-your-coq-out.html for the ingredient amounts, extra information, and many, many more video recipes! I hope you enjoy this easy Chicken Braised with Bacon, Mushrooms & Red Wine recipe!
The dramatic Dentelles rise above the vineyards in this Southern Rhône appellation. What shaped the region’s terroirs? Geologist Georges Truc gives senior editor James Molesworth a tour through the ages.
Kyle Meyer spends 30 seconds in the Roussillon
The fourteen acre piece of the Deaver Vineyard used to make Terra d’Oro Deaver Vineyard 135 Year Old Vines Zinfandel was planted in 1881. As vines mature they produce less but more concentrated fruit.
Guests who visit the Jordan estate to experience our tours and tastings sample two vintages of Cabernet Sauvignon paired with artisanal cheeses selected by Executive Chef Todd Knoll. Chef Knoll’s newest cheeses featured in our seated tastings are highlighted in this video. To view the full vlog post, visit http://blog.jordanwinery.com/2010/04/visiting-jordan-new-cheese-pairings.
A quick look at how grape vines are pruned by hand at Tenuta Santomè. Subscribe to Ask a Winemaker for hundreds more wine videos: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=askawinemaker Have a question for a winemaker? Post it in the comments and we will try to answer it for you. Connect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/askawinemaker?ref=hl Ask your question on
We found these valuable wines from seemingly a pile of trash. From $15 to $20, we present you these wines! 3 red wines we recommend from $15 price range are: -Concha y Toro Gran Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon 2019 -Max Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon 2018 -Bonterra Merlot 2019 7 red wines we recommend from $20 price range