What’s the best way to store your wines, in any living space, on any budget? Get the basics from certified wine professional and Rebel Somm, Marc Supsic. Visit the Scratch n’ Dent Outlet at Wine Enthusiast: http://www.wineenthusiast.com/storage/warehouse-outlet-center/scratch-dent-and-refurbished/ For regular wine & spirits info like this and more, subscribe to the Wine Living channel! I deliver
Watch and lean to make these delicious Wine Burgers . I grilled these Burgers using my Napoleon Gas grill and they turned out perfect!! Get your Napoleon P500RSIBPSS here: http://amzn.to/1PnD47G Get the Robo Stir Automatic Stirrer here: http://amzn.to/1MNXCUz
A change in owners is underway at one of the top wineries in Bordeaux’s Sauternes region. Bérénice Lurton has sold a majority stake in Barsac’s Château Climens to Jean-Hubert Moitry and his family for an undisclosed amount. “Acquiring a wine estate in the Bordeaux region corresponds to a longstanding family dream with my spouse,” said
#blueberrywine #makingwine #philbillymoonshine This blueberry wine came out amazing, it is so delicious i am going to make a bigger batch soon. Such an easy recipe, i love it. 1 pound of blueberrys 1 pound of sugar 1 gallon of water 1 packet of Lalvin EC-1118 yeast
What do your heart and an open bottle of wine have in common? Oxidative stress plays a critical role in damaging both. But that open bottle of wine could actually help protect your heart. In new findings, a group of Greek researchers from Harokopio University found that coronary heart disease (CHD) patients who consumed wine
William Bonner and Diego Samper head the Bonner Private Wine Partnership out of South America. The Bonner Private Wine Partnership brings six astounding wines from around the world right to your doorstep four times a year, or three high altitude Argentine malbecs every two months. GUEST LINKS: Website: https://bonnerprivatewines.com BPWP YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSHHB3SBhaygeRxzTBV5kMA BPWP Twitter:
In the early morning, a laborer gently pulls the ripened grapes off of the vine. The grapes are collected and processed under the watchful eye of the wine-maker. This day is the culmination of years of patience and planning, yet the fruits of this process won’t be known for some time yet. Despite the planning
Whos up for a fancy and beautiful dessert you can make using simple ingredients and its very easy to make? Hope you like it! Cheers CJ ———————————– SHOP HANZO ————————————————– ???????? Save 25% at our Amazon store using code: HanzoK25 amzn.to/2nNQan9 ???????? Hanzo Knives Website: https://www.gethanzo.com —————————————————————————————————————- Ingredients: – 3 firm pears – 1 bottle
Master Blind Tastes Natural vs. Conventional wines. Can he taste the difference? Support me on my new PATREON: https://patreon.com/konstantinbaum Follow me on …: https://www.instagram.com/konstantinbaum_mw/ Check out my website: https://meinelese.de I have used this glass in this Video: RIEDEL Veritas Champagne. I have tasted the following wine in this Video: 2020 Winzergemeinschaft Franken Gambacher Kalbenstein Silvaner
???? BROWSE MY KITCHENWARE – https://bit.ly/3NWLZQ8 ❤️ SUPPORT ME ON PATREON – https://bit.ly/38QRTmP ???? PRINTABLE RECIPE – https://soupeduprecipes.com/chinese-sweet-rice-wine-recipe/ Fermenting your own sweet rice wine (甜酒酿) is super easy; only 4 ingredients are involved. At the end of this post, I will share a few ways to enjoy sweet rice wine. How to Make Chinese Sweet
Rosé is fastest growing style in wine in the past 5 years. Lets explore the wine and its styles. Wine details here: https://winefolly.com/episode/lets-explore-rose-wine-methods-video/ Wine Folly store: https://shop.winefolly.com/ Madeline Puckette explores two different winemaking methods in rosé wine. The more you know, the more you know you don’t know! Wine Essentials Get the James Beard Award-winning