Einen schnellen & einfachen Schokoladen Glühwein Kuchen backen. || How to bake a simple & easy Chocolate Mulled Wine Cake. Für das Rezept benötigen Wir folgende Zutaten || For the recipe we need the following ingredients: Zutaten für 1 Schokoladen Glühwein Kuchen: || Ingredients for 1 Chocolate Mulled Wine Cake: •350 Gramm Mehl || 350
Sign up for the free tasting course here: https://goo.gl/a41qNM Like my channel? Subscribe here: https://goo.gl/vrjQY4 Follow me here too: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/libationsacademy/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/libationsacademy/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/LibationsAcademy/ In today’s video I’m going over how to taste wine for beginners. If you are new to wine, wine tasting can be intimidating, but all it takes is practice and